3 Music Video Producers That Rocked the Industry

3 Music Video Producers That Rocked the Industry

“Music is the food for the soul” everybody’s heard that, right? Seems like a cliché line, perhaps. However, we are long past the times when music could survive on its own. Nowadays, a song that’ll go right up through the charts is one that comes with a wickedly...
3 Video Maker Apps Influencers Swear By

3 Video Maker Apps Influencers Swear By

Instagram and Tiktok influencers are the new rage in town. Even brands that resorted to models for advertising are approaching influencers for promotions. Want to crack into this competitive realm but don’t know how to start? Worry no more! These top 3 video maker...
3 YouTube Video Creators Known for Extreme Stunts.

3 YouTube Video Creators Known for Extreme Stunts.

We’ve all seen at least two or three YouTube video creators going to crazy lengths for views, right? Stuff that makes us wonder if they are unhinged or just plain stupid. However, we promise you that whatever you’ve seen isn’t even going to compare...
The Best YouTube Video Software You Need to Get.

The Best YouTube Video Software You Need to Get.

Have you ever imagined what an average day on YouTube is like? It’s a cluster of creativity, hours of uploads, streaming, clicks, and flicks. Content creators, videographers, and digital marketers are always on the go. According to multiple sources, in 2021, no...