Fifty50 POSTS
The 3 Greatest Movie Stunts of All Time
Action is one of the most popular movie genres. People love seeing thrilling scenes and movie stunts on the screen....
4 Best Drone Travel Videos on YouTube
Drones are more popular than ever. Whether they’re used for weapon systems or travel vlogs, drones are a fun way to...
Tips for Becoming a Responsible Gun Owner
As a US citizen, you are entitled to keep and bear arms. However, owning a gun comes with a great deal of...
4 US Locations Action Movies Were Filmed… That You Can Visit!
We’ve all daydreamed about being like our favorite gunslinger. Maybe we want to crack a whip at some bad guys like...
Debunking the Most Popular Gun Myths
Unless you have a lot of experience regarding guns, you might believe everything you hear about firearms. It’s...
3 Armed Self-Defense Techniques You Must Know
Almost 33% of respondents in a survey agree that everyone should have the right to carry a gun for self-defense....
Clip vs. Magazine: What’s the Difference?
As a beginner in the world of firearms, navigating the technical language can be challenging. Two commonly used but...
Buying a Used Gun – 4 Quick Tips
Buying a gun can be intimidating; it is even more intimidating when you try to buy it in the secondary market. Many...
3 Steps for Making Your Own Action Video
There’s nothing quite as exciting as an action video or an action movie. Car chases, explosions, crazy stunts—it’s...
Concealed Carry –Simple Steps to Conceal and Carry a Firearm
It is legal to concealed carry in every state in the United States. However, each state possess varying permit...
What Is Concealed Carry Insurance? What Benefits Does It Offer?
You carry a gun. It means you have considered the possibility of using it in self-defense. As an American citizen, you...
How to Draw a Gun Quickly
According to research, female gun owners are more likely to have a gun that is loaded and easily accessible even when...
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